Qmmm example9
From NWChem
Example of QM/MM frequency calculation for classical region
This example illustrates QM/MM frequency calculation for Ala-Ser-Ala system. In this case instead of default QM region (see prepare block), the calculation is performed on classical solute part of the system as defined by region directive in QM/MM block. The electrostatic field from fixed QM region is represented by point ESP charges (see density directive). These ESP charges are calculated from wavefunction generated as a result of energy calculation.
memory total 800 Mb start asa permanent_dir ./perm scratch_dir ./data #this will generate topology file (asa.top), restart (asa_ref.rst), and pdb (asa_ref.pdb) files. prepare source asa.pdb new_top new_seq new_rst modify atom 2:_CB quantum modify atom 2:2HB quantum modify atom 2:3HB quantum modify atom 2:_OG quantum modify atom 2:_HG quantum center orient solvate update lists ignore write asa_ref.rst write asa_ref.pdb # Write out PDB file to check structure end task prepare md system asa_ref end basis "ao basis" * library "6-31G*" end dft print low iterations 500 end qmmm region mm_solute density espfit end # run energy calculation to generate wavefunction file for subsequent ESP charge generation task qmmm dft energy task qmmm dft freq