Release62:QMMM Appendix
From NWChem
Format of NWChem parameter file
The format of NWChem parameter is illustrated on the figure below and also available as pdf file.
Conversion of standard AMBER program parameter files
Fortran code that performs conversion from AMBER program parameter file format to NWChem can be found here. It works by parsing out free format AMBER style parameter file contained in
MASS C 12.01 CA 12.01 BOND #this is a comment C -CA 469.0 1.409 this is also a comment C - CB 447.0 1.419 ANGLE C -CA-CA 63.0 120.00 another comment C -CB-NB 70.0 130.00 DIHEDRAL X -C -CA-X 4 14.50 180.0 2. intrpol.bsd.on C6H6 X - C - CB -X 4 12.00 180.0 2. intrpol.bsd.on C6H6 IMPROPER X -CT-N -CT 1.0 180. 2. JCC,7,(1986),230 CT -O - C -OH 10.5 180. 2. NONBOND CA 1.9080 0.0860 C 1.9080 0.0860
to fixed format NWChem style amber.par file
#Generated amber.par file Electrostatic 1-4 scaling factor 0.833333 Relative dielectric constant 1.000000 Parameters epsilon R* # Atoms CA 12.01000 3.59824E-01 1.90800E-01 1 1111111111 6 1.79912E-01 1.90800E-01 C 12.01000 3.59824E-01 1.90800E-01 1 1111111111 6 1.79912E-01 1.90800E-01 Bonds C -CA 0.14090 3.92459E+05 C -CB 0.14190 3.74050E+05 Angles C -CA -CA 2.09440 5.27184E+02 C -CB -NB 2.26893 5.85760E+02 Proper dihedrals -C -CA - 3.14159 1.51670E+01 2 -C -CB - 3.14159 1.25520E+01 2 Improper dihedrals -CT -N -CT 3.14159 4.18400E+00 2 CT -O -C -OH 3.14159 4.39320E+01 2 End