From NWChem
This directive is used to obtain the plots of various types of electron densities (or orbitals) of the molecule. The electron density is calculated on a specified set of grid points using the molecular orbitals from SCF or DFT calculation. The output file is either in MSI Insight II contour format (default) or in the Gaussian Cube format. DPLOT is not executed until the "task dplot" directive is given. Different sub-directives are described below.
The implementation of the dplot functionality uses mostly local memory. The quantities stored in local memory are:
- the positions of the grid points
- the property of interest expressed at the grid points
The stack memory setting in the input file must be sufficient to hold these quantities in local memory on a processor.
GAUSSIAN -- Gaussian Cube format
A outputfile is generate in Gaussian Cube format. You can visualize this file using gOpenMol (after converting the Gaussian Cube file with gcube2plt), Molden or Molekel.
TITLE -- Title directive
TITLE <string Title default Unknown Title>
This sub-directive specifies a title line for the generated input to the Insight program or for the Gaussian cube file. Only one line is allowed.
LIMITXYZ -- Plot limits
LIMITXYZ [units <string Units default angstroms>] <real X_From> <real X_To> <integer No_Of_Spacings_X> <real Y_From> <real Y_To> <integer No_Of_Spacings_Y> <real Z_From> <real Z_To> <integer No_Of_Spacings_Z>
This sub-directive specifies the limits of the cell to be plotted. The grid is generated using No_Of_Spacings + 1 points along each direction. The known names for Units are angstroms, au and bohr.
SPIN -- Density to be plotted
SPIN <string Spin default total>
This sub-directive specifies, what kind of density is to be computed. The known names for Spin are total, alpha, beta and spindens, the last being computed as the difference between α and β electron densities.
OUTPUT -- Filename
OUTPUT <string File_Name default dplot>
This sub-directive specifies the name of the generated input to the Insight program or the generated Gaussian cube file. The name OUTPUT is reserved for the standard NWChem output.
VECTORS -- MO vector file name
VECTORS <string File_Name default movecs> [<string File_Name2>]
This sub-directive specifies the name of the molecular orbital file. If the second file is optionally given the density is computed as the difference between the corresponding electron densities. The vector files have to match.
WHERE -- Density evaluation
WHERE <string Where default grid>
This sub-directive specifies where the density is to be computed. The known names for Where are grid (the calculation of the density is performed on the set of a grid points specified by the sub-directive LimitXYZ and the file specified by the sub-directive Output is generated), nuclei (the density is computed at the position of the nuclei and written to the NWChem output) and g+n (both).
ORBITAL -- Orbital sub-space
ORBITALS [<string Option default density>] <integer No_Of_Orbitals> <integer Orb_No_1 Orb_No_2 ...>
This sub-directive specifies the subset of the orbital space for the calculation of the electron density. The density is computed using the occupation numbers from the orbital file modified according to the Spin directive. If the contours of the orbitals are to be plotted Option should be set to view (instead of the implicit default value density). Note, that in this case No_Of_Orbitals should be set to 1 and sub-directive Where is automatically set to grid. Also specification of two orbital files conflicts with the view option. alpha orbitals are always plotted unless Spin is set to beta.
CIVECS -- CI vectors
CIVECS [<string Name of civecs file>]
DENSMAT -- Density matrix
DENSMAT [<string Name of density matrix file>]
Charge Density
Example of charge density plot (with Gaussian Cube output):
start n2 geometry n 0 0 0.53879155 n 0 0 -0.53879155 end basis; n library cc-pvdz;end scf vectors output n2.movecs end dplot TITLE HOMO vectors n2.movecs LimitXYZ -3.0 3.0 10 -3.0 3.0 10 -3.0 3.0 10 spin total gaussian output chargedensity.cube end task scf task dplot
Molecular Orbital
Example of orbital plot (with Insight II contour output):
start n2 geometry n 0 0 0.53879155 n 0 0 -0.53879155 end basis; n library cc-pvdz;end scf vectors output n2.movecs end dplot TITLE HOMO vectors n2.movecs LimitXYZ -3.0 3.0 10 -3.0 3.0 10 -3.0 3.0 10 spin total orbitals view; 1; 7 output homo.grd end task scf task dplot
Transition Density
TDDFT calculation followed by a calculation of the transition density for a specific excited state using the DPLOT block
echo start h2o-td title h2o-td memory total 800 stack 400 heap 50 global 350 mb charge 0 geometry units au noautoz nocenter symmetry group c1 O 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 H 0.47043554760291 1.35028113274600 1.06035416576826 H -1.74335410533480 -0.23369304784300 0.27360785442967 end basis "ao basis" print H S 13.0107010 0.19682158E-01 1.9622572 0.13796524 0.44453796 0.47831935 H S 0.12194962 1.0000000 H P 0.8000000 1.0000000 O S 2266.1767785 -0.53431809926E-02 340.87010191 -0.39890039230E-01 77.363135167 -0.17853911985 21.479644940 -0.46427684959 6.6589433124 -0.44309745172 O S 0.80975975668 1.0000000 O S 0.25530772234 1.0000000 O P 17.721504317 0.43394573193E-01 3.8635505440 0.23094120765 1.0480920883 0.51375311064 O P 0.27641544411 1.0000000 O D 1.2000000 1.0000000 end dft xc bhlyp grid fine direct convergence energy 1d-5 end tddft rpa nroots 5 thresh 1d-5 singlet notriplet civecs end task tddft energy dplot civecs h2o-td.civecs_singlet root 2 LimitXYZ -3.74335 2.47044 50 -2.23369 3.35028 50 -2 3.06035 50 gaussian output root-2.cube end task dplot
Plot the excited state density
echo start tddftgrad_co_exden geometry C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.64628342 O 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.48264375 symmetry c1 end basis spherical * library "3-21G" end dft xc pbe0 direct end tddft nroots 3 notriplet target 1 civecs grad root 1 end end task tddft gradient dplot densmat tddftgrad_co_exden.dmat LimitXYZ -4.0 4.0 50 -4.0 4.0 50 -4.0 4.0 50 gaussian output co_exden.cube end task dplot