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how to register on this forum?

From NWChem

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Can somebody explain me how to register on this forum, i.e., to get account with a name rather than to be a guest?

Thank you in advance.

Ivan Rostov
ANU Supercomputer Facility
Canberra, ACT 0200

  • Niri Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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On the top right corner of the Main Page (or any of the pages) you should see a Create Account link. You should be able to setup an account from there.


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Quote:Niri Mar 16th 3:13 pm

On the top right corner of the Main Page (or any of the pages) you should see a Create Account link. You should be able to setup an account from there.


Thank you. Now I see it!

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Hello everyone,
Iam trying to optimize an anion namely P2MoO11(-6) using density functional theory for the first time. While running it,iam facing the error given below:

driver: task_gradient failed        0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry

My input file is:-
title "p2mo11 structure optimization "
start p2mo11-3
charge -6
Mo                -1.40499275   -0.22334051   -0.00985228
O -2.64491893 0.92353197 0.18319324
O -0.48255420 1.19598120 -0.16680133
O -0.41820794 -1.55294351 -0.18241452
O -2.53612637 -1.47816562 0.17975433
O 1.88137252 -0.10151390 -0.30735440
P 1.05801042 -1.40230331 0.03687268
O 1.52005215 -1.28420483 -1.38529827
O 1.06596283 -0.84382912 1.42900893
O 1.58347351 -2.79431852 0.22708887
P 1.01517003 1.11390658 -0.15753350
O 1.31301995 1.38549592 -1.60236036
O 1.36613480 1.56418911 1.22957478
O 1.38987540 2.56578445 -0.11695601
Mo library 3-21G
P library 3-21G
O library 3-21G
grid fine
iterations 50
xc xpbe96 cpbe96
convergence energy 1e-7
convergence density 1e-4
SMEAR 0.001
task dft optimize

Can anyone suggest me to make needful corrections if iam doing something wrong..

  • Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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Most likely your DFT energy calculation did not converge. These last few lines do not help much. Please check in your output and see if the DFT energy calculation converged.


Quote:Indu Jun 25th 9:02 am
Hello everyone,
Iam trying to optimize an anion namely P2MoO11(-6) using density functional theory for the first time. While running it,iam facing the error given below:

driver: task_gradient failed        0
current input line :
There is an error related to the specified geometry

My input file is:-
title "p2mo11 structure optimization "
start p2mo11-3
charge -6
Mo                -1.40499275   -0.22334051   -0.00985228
O -2.64491893 0.92353197 0.18319324
O -0.48255420 1.19598120 -0.16680133
O -0.41820794 -1.55294351 -0.18241452
O -2.53612637 -1.47816562 0.17975433
O 1.88137252 -0.10151390 -0.30735440
P 1.05801042 -1.40230331 0.03687268
O 1.52005215 -1.28420483 -1.38529827
O 1.06596283 -0.84382912 1.42900893
O 1.58347351 -2.79431852 0.22708887
P 1.01517003 1.11390658 -0.15753350
O 1.31301995 1.38549592 -1.60236036
O 1.36613480 1.56418911 1.22957478
O 1.38987540 2.56578445 -0.11695601
Mo library 3-21G
P library 3-21G
O library 3-21G
grid fine
iterations 50
xc xpbe96 cpbe96
convergence energy 1e-7
convergence density 1e-4
SMEAR 0.001
task dft optimize

Can anyone suggest me to make needful corrections if iam doing something wrong..

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