From NWChem
Viewed 2594 times, With a total of 5 Posts
Just Got Here
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10:15:24 AM PST - Fri, Mar 7th 2014 |
I am trying to run an
oniom calculations with MCSCF as a high theory (model) and DFT (B3LYP) as a low
theory(real). DFT it seems to work perfectly, while MCSCF is not running. This is strange
taking into account that absolutely the same MCSCF options and the same keywords in
separate calculations are running perfectly, while in onion not.
The copy of the error is here:
task_gradient: unknown theory 0
There is an error in the input file
For more information see the NWChem manual at
For further details see manual section:
1:1:task_gradient: unknown theory:: -1
(rank:1 hostname:compute-0-16.local pid:2517):ARMCI DASSERT fail.
../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
task_gradient: unknown theory 0
Below is my file:
title "baseon_initial"
start baseon_initial
charge -1
geometry units angstroms noautoz
N -0.95397587 2.95740479 2.14169265
Co -1.03175053 3.95352527 0.28303474
N -0.38447491 3.65785155 -1.66657841
N -2.21192196 2.39508772 -0.36274893
H 1.45933418 -2.66194209 2.68695155
basis high
C library "6-31G"
H library "6-31G"
Co library "6-31G**"
N library "6-31G"
basis low
C library "6-31G**"
H library "6-31G"
P library "6-31G**"
O library "6-31G**"
N library "6-31G**"
Co library "6-31G**"
multiplicity 2
maxiter 1999
iterations 1999
mult 2
xc b3lyp
low dft basis low
high MCSCF basis high
model 60 charge 0 16 71 0.709 55 61 0.709 57 65 0.709 59 94 0.766
task oniom optimize
Best wishes,
Huub Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
Forum Regular
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Posts 185
4:19:33 PM PDT - Tue, Apr 15th 2014 |
Hi Tudor,
This bug has been fixed. However the problem in your input is that in the ONIOM block you specify the high level theory as "MCSCF" instead of as "mcscf". The case of the theory keyword was not handled properly and hence the code failed. As a work around please specify the mcscf in lower case.
Just Got Here
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Posts 4
11:43:45 AM PDT - Thu, May 8th 2014 |
Manual doesn't specify the number of ONIOM optimization iterations
Dear Huub,
Thank you very much. I tried several versions until I found myself the same solution. I am trying to get you by phone but without any success. There is another problem in ONIOM of NwChem. Manual doesn't
specify the number of ONIOM optimization iterations. Default this number it seems to be equal to 20.
Usually a serious problem doesn't get fully optimized during only 20 iterations. At least this is happening always to my jobs. On the other hand, restarting ONIOM problems lead usually to a lower level of optimization step. In this way is quite difficult if not impossible to get the final geometry optimization point. Please, let me know how I can increase the number of geometry optimization steps in Oniom or how I can specify a certain number of geometry optimization steps so one can get a system geometry optimization in one run.
Thank you very much in advance,
Huub Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
Forum Regular
Threads 1
Posts 185
5:26:49 PM PDT - Thu, May 8th 2014 |
Hi Tudor,
The way NWChem is structured ONIOM is considered an energy expression, and a geometry optimization is something you want to do with that energy expression. Hence the ONIOM input block describes all the settings to define the ONIOM energy expression but it does not contain anything that has to do with geometry optimization.
The geometry optimization is actually performed by the DRIVER module (this module can use any energy expression in NWChem from SCF all the way to CCSD(T)). Hence if you want to change the default number of geometry optimization steps you need to tell the DRIVER module about that. It provides the MAXITER keyword for that purpose. I would recommend a DRIVER block like
maxiter 50
task oniom optimize
Of course, please feel free to substitute any number of iterations that seems relevant to your applications.
I hope this helps, Huub
Just Got Here
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Posts 4
1:57:44 PM PDT - Mon, May 12th 2014 |
Dear Huub,
Thank you again for your help. Now my job is running but I guess there is a last question to solve in order to get it converged. This is a problem dealing with bond cleavage process in Vitamin B12.
The problem is running smoothly but is always stopping when is close to convergence i.e. when Co-C bond is close to cleavage. The error is showed in MCSCF part of the ONIOM :
216432 -0.07639173 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 3 4 5 6 11
216437 -0.03228275 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 3 4 5 7 11
Number of sigma calls: 1
o<<<<< (aa): 0.24
o<<<<< (bb): 0.25
o<<<<< (ab): 0.26
o<<<<< (total) 0.75
o<<<<< (aa) ff 0.00
o<<<<< (aa) gop 0.00
o<<<<< (aa) dot 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) str 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) gath 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) dotab 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) scat 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) sync 0.00
o<<<<< Density 2.68
o<<<<< Density one 0.71
o<<<<< Density two 1.09
o<<<<< Density ab 0.88
o<<<<< Spin adapt 0.00
o<<<<< Symm adapt 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) max sync: 0.00
sym_movecs_adapt: no significant component? 1
This error has not yet been assigned to a category
For more information see the NWChem manual at
For further details see manual section:
No section for this category
8:8:sym_movecs_adapt: no significant component?:: 1
(rank:8 hostname:compute-0-22.local pid:11228):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
0:Terminate signal was sent, status=: 15
(rank:0 hostname:compute-0-21.local pid:24683):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/signaltrap.c:SigTermHandler():472 cond:0
I ask you a favor to give me the solution of how I can avoid this error.
Thank you very much in advance,
Just Got Here
Threads 0
Posts 4
1:59:43 PM PDT - Mon, May 12th 2014 |
sym_movecs_adapt: no significant component? 1
Dear Huub,
Thank you again for your help. Now my job is running but I guess there is a last question to solve in order to get it converged. This is a problem dealing with bond cleavage process in Vitamin B12.
The problem is running smoothly but is always stopping when is close to convergence i.e. when Co-C bond is close to cleavage. The error is showed in MCSCF part of the ONIOM :
216432 -0.07639173 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 3 4 5 6 11
216437 -0.03228275 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 3 4 5 7 11
Number of sigma calls: 1
o<<<<< (aa): 0.24
o<<<<< (bb): 0.25
o<<<<< (ab): 0.26
o<<<<< (total) 0.75
o<<<<< (aa) ff 0.00
o<<<<< (aa) gop 0.00
o<<<<< (aa) dot 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) str 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) gath 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) dotab 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) scat 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) sync 0.00
o<<<<< Density 2.68
o<<<<< Density one 0.71
o<<<<< Density two 1.09
o<<<<< Density ab 0.88
o<<<<< Spin adapt 0.00
o<<<<< Symm adapt 0.00
o<<<<< (ab) max sync: 0.00
sym_movecs_adapt: no significant component? 1
This error has not yet been assigned to a category
For more information see the NWChem manual at
For further details see manual section:
No section for this category
8:8:sym_movecs_adapt: no significant component?:: 1
(rank:8 hostname:compute-0-22.local pid:11228):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
0:Terminate signal was sent, status=: 15
(rank:0 hostname:compute-0-21.local pid:24683):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/signaltrap.c:SigTermHandler():472 cond:0
I ask you a favor to give me the solution of how I can avoid this error.
Thank you very much in advance,
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