From NWChem
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8:19:54 AM PDT - Thu, Oct 1st 2015 |
i'm trying to build the beta version. First please rename the directory inside of the tar file
to correspond to the tarfile name: Nwchem-6.6 -> Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30.
Changing the dir name inside of the tar file (my subjective feeling is: at almost every release)
breaks automatic build scripts in Fedora.
I need help in debugging the following problem, for the 32-bit build on CentOS 6.
It's a clean build, and I'm not applying any patches:
gfortran -c -m32 -march=pentium4 -mtune=pentium4 -g -g -O0 -I. -I/usr/include/openmpi-i386 -I/builddir/build/BUILD/Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30/src/include -I/usr/include/openmpi-i386 -DLINUX -DGFORTRAN -DCHKUNDFLW -DGCC4 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DNEED_LOC -DNOFSCHECK -DJOBTIMEPATH=\"/builddir/build/BUILD/Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30/bin/LINUX\" -DNWCHEM_LONG_PATHS -DNWCHEM_SRCDIR="\"/builddir/build/BUILD/Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30/src\"" -DBYTE_SHORT_PACKING -DBYTE_SHORT_PACKING util_nwchem_version.F
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/builddir/build/BUILD/Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30/lib/LINUX/libnwcutil.a(util_ga_version.o)', needed by `/builddir/build/BUILD/Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30/lib/LINUX/libnwcutil.a'. Stop.
make: *** [libraries] Error 1
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.9w4Bji (%build)
Note that due to packaging requirements on Fedora Nwchem is built against ga available on Fedora
and maintained by David Brown:
This is done by simply removing the tools source directory and related information in the rpmbuild spec file,
before starting the Nwchem compilation:
m -rf src/tools
sed -i "/^include.*makecoms\.h/d" src/GNUmakefile
sed -i "/^include.*makemp\.h/d" src/GNUmakefile
sed -i "/.*-C tools configure_ga$/d" src/GNUmakefile
sed -i "s/NW_CORE_SUBDIRS = tools/NW_CORE_SUBDIRS =/" src/config/makefile.h
sed -i "s|INCPATH =.*|INCPATH = -I\$(MPI_INCLUDE)|" src/config/makefile.h
sed -i "s|-lga -larmci|-L\$(MPI_LIB) -lga -larmci|" src/config/makefile.h
The full Nwchem build log is available at
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
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9:14:52 AM PDT - Thu, Oct 1st 2015 |
1) I would rather keep the directory name to nwchem-6.6 (lowercase). Would it be hard to modify your rpm scripts?
2) your failure in compiling util_ga_version.F is due to the fact that you are using an external ga.
I will update the tarballs later today with pre-generated util_ga_version.F
Edited On 10:28:15 AM PDT - Thu, Oct 1st 2015 by Edoapra
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
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6:28:02 PM PDT - Thu, Oct 1st 2015 |
The tarballs have been updated with a pre-generated util_ga_version.F
This is going to prevent the compilation failure you have observed.
The source of the routine is the following
subroutine util_ga_version(garev)
implicit none
character*(*) garev
However, since you are not using GA shipped with NWChem (a choice that I don't personally agree with),
it would be better if you replace the garev= line with something that shows the origin of the ga used.
For example
subroutine util_ga_version(garev)
implicit none
character*(*) garev
garev="external ga 5.4 rpm"
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6:05:33 AM PDT - Fri, Oct 2nd 2015 |
Quote:Edoapra Oct 1st 9:14 am1) I would rather keep the directory name to nwchem-6.6 (lowercase). Would it be hard to modify your rpm scripts?
2) your failure in compiling util_ga_version.F is due to the fact that you are using an external ga.
I will update the tarballs later today with pre-generated util_ga_version.F
1) I've already changed the spec file to use "nwchem-X.Y" (with X, Y being digits).
Please keep this convention for the releases (in addition to
2) the Nwchem-6.6.revision27646-src.2015-10-01 compiles and the large majority of doafewqmtests.mpi tests pass
on CentOS6, CentOS7 or Fedora.
For garev I use:
sed -i 's|garev=".*"|garev="Fedora/EPEL"|' src/util/util_ga_version.F
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