From NWChem
Viewed 748 times, With a total of 12 Posts
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11:53:59 PM PDT - Thu, Nov 2nd 2017 |
Dear all
The compilation of the candidate of NWCHEM6.8 on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 with gfortran6.3.0,
mpich 3.2_2 and Xcode 9.1 installed fails because of the following error
ld: library not found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
Very Best Regards!
Edited On 4:25:52 PM PST - Sat, Dec 2nd 2017 by Xiongyan21
Gets Around
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1:23:58 AM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 |
Hello Xiongyan
I have found only 6.6 on
Where do you get 6.8?
Best, Vladimir.
I'm sorry.
Here it is.
Point me to Changelog please.
Edited On 4:04:48 AM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 by Vladimir
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
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10:39:51 AM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 |
Could you please run the simple test below to confirm that your gfortran installation is working?
rm -f gfortrantest.f90
cat > gfortrantest.f90 <<EOF
program main
gfortran gfortrantest.f90
Quote:Xiongyan21 Nov 2nd 10:53 pmDear all
The compilation of the candidate of NWCHEM6.8 on macOS Sierra 10.12.6
with gfortran6.3.0, mpich 3.2_2 and Xcode 9.1 installed fails
because of the following error
ld: library not found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
Very Best Regards!
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
7:49:53 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 |
Dear Edoapra
The group of commands together gives
ld: library not found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status,
although actually NWCHEM6.6, DALTON2016.2 and DIRAC16 have been successfully compiled on my MAC and they still can work.
Very Best Regards!
Thanks a lot!
Edited On 8:12:46 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 by Xiongyan21
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
11:25:15 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 |
I downloaded the 1.04G gz form of NWCHEM6.8 and recompiled it, but still got the same mistake, also at the last stage
all dim_grid_quadv0_gen(rtdb, g_vdim, 1, 1, .false., 0, 1)
Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'g_vdim' at (1) (scalar and rank-1)
gfortran -c -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I../nwdft/include -I../ddscf -I../util -I../nwdft/grid -I../NWints/hondo -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DDBLEPREC_RYS dim_grid_quadv0a.F
gfortran -c -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I../nwdft/include -I../ddscf -I../util -I../nwdft/grid -I../NWints/hondo -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DDBLEPREC_RYS dim_grid_quadv0b.F
gfortran -c -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I../nwdft/include -I../ddscf -I../util -I../nwdft/grid -I../NWints/hondo -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DDBLEPREC_RYS dimqm_seeding.F
gfortran -c -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I../nwdft/include -I../ddscf -I../util -I../nwdft/grid -I../NWints/hondo -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DDBLEPREC_RYS dimqm_rohf.F
gfortran -c -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I../nwdft/include -I../ddscf -I../util -I../nwdft/grid -I../NWints/hondo -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DDBLEPREC_RYS dimqm_util.F
Got lock on /users/computation/nwchem6.8/lib/MACX64/libdimqm.lock
ar r /users/computation/nwchem6.8/lib/MACX64/libdimqm.a dimqm_input.o dimpar_input.o dimqm_prep.o dimqm_main.o dimqm_polarizability.o dimqm_f2d.o dimqm_iterative.o qmr_real.o qmr_complex.o matvecReal.o matvecComplex.o dimqm_EqmE.o t2.o pphilo.o dimqm_fldpot.o dimqm_EqmN.o dimqm_printAtomicDipoles.o dimqm_energy.o dimqm_printDipole.o dimqm_Dens2Dipoles.o dimqm_indDipoles.o dimqm_printAtoms.o dimqm_addop.o dimqm_lclfld.o dim_elfcon.o dim_1eelec.o dim_elfder.o dim_dervxyz.o dim_sxyz.o dimqm_screening.o seeded_qmr_real.o qmr_seed_real.o seeded_qmr_real_augment.o dimqm_tidy.o qmr_seed_complex.o seeded_qmr_complex.o dimqm_broadcast.o CubicSpline.o dim_fock_xc.o dim_getv.o dim_tabcd.o dim_eval_fnl.o dim_grid_quadv0.o dim_grid_quadv0a.o dim_grid_quadv0b.o dimqm_seeding.o dimqm_rohf.o dimqm_util.o
ar: creating archive /users/computation/nwchem6.8/lib/MACX64/libdimqm.a
ranlib /users/computation/nwchem6.8/lib/MACX64/libdimqm.a
/Applications/ nwchem.o stubs.o
gfortran -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DCOMPILATION_DATE="'`date +%a_%b_%d_%H:%M:%S_%Y`'" -DCOMPILATION_DIR="'/users/computation/nwchem6.8'" -DNWCHEM_BRANCH="'6.8'" -c -o nwchem.o nwchem.F
gfortran -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -Warray-bounds -g -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -I. -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/include -I/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/include -DMACX -DEXT_INT -DGFORTRAN -DGCC4 -DGCC46 -DPARALLEL_DIAG -DCOMPILATION_DATE="'`date +%a_%b_%d_%H:%M:%S_%Y`'" -DCOMPILATION_DIR="'/users/computation/nwchem6.8'" -DNWCHEM_BRANCH="'6.8'" -c -o stubs.o stubs.F
gfortran -L/users/computation/nwchem6.8/lib/MACX64 -L/users/computation/nwchem6.8/src/tools/install/lib -Wl,-flat_namespace -o /users/computation/nwchem6.8/bin/MACX64/nwchem nwchem.o stubs.o -lnwctask -lccsd -lmcscf -lselci -lmp2 -lmoints -lstepper -ldriver -loptim -lnwdft -lgradients -lcphf -lesp -lddscf -ldangchang -lguess -lhessian -lvib -lnwcutil -lrimp2 -lproperty -lsolvation -lnwints -lprepar -lnwmd -lnwpw -lofpw -lpaw -lpspw -lband -lnwpwlib -lcafe -lspace -lanalyze -lqhop -lpfft -ldplot -lnwpython -ldrdy -lvscf -lqmmm -lqmd -letrans -lpspw -ltce -lbq -lmm -lcons -lperfm -ldntmc -lccca -ldimqm -lnwcutil -lga -larmci -lpeigs -lperfm -lcons -lbq -lnwcutil -lnwclapack -lnwcblas /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/config/libpython2.7.a -lnwclapack -lnwcblas -L/usr/local/Cellar/mpich/3.2_2/lib -lmpifort -lmpi -lpmpi -lpthread -lpthread
ld: library not found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
Edited On 11:27:14 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 by Xiongyan21
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
Forum Vet
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11:29:11 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 |
My suggestion is to execute the command
brew reinstall gcc
This is likely to fix your NWChem link problem. Se the following URL for details
Quote:Xiongyan21 Nov 3rd 6:49 pmDear Edoapra
The group of commands together gives
ld: library not found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status,
although actually NWCHEM6.6, DALTON2016.2 and DIRAC16 have been successfully compiled on my MAC and they still can work.
Very Best Regards!
Thanks a lot!
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
11:51:46 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 |
Dear Edoapra
Thanks for your answer.
I think I can resort to the patch of GCC for NWCHEM6.6 to overcome this problem,
because the reinstallation of GCC will result in the recompilations of other softwares,
which is not very beneficial when there are not any updates of them.
I will do it later today.
Your suggestion will be followed if it is unsuccessful and there will be no patch to
remedy this when the formal one is released.
Very Best regards?
Edited On 11:58:37 PM PDT - Fri, Nov 3rd 2017 by Xiongyan21
Forum Regular
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6:25:11 AM PDT - Sat, Nov 4th 2017 |
The error is the same although the patch Gcc6_macs_optfix.patch for NWCHEM6.6 is applied.
Edited On 6:34:14 AM PDT - Sat, Nov 4th 2017 by Xiongyan21
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
9:34:40 PM PST - Tue, Nov 14th 2017 |
The error is the same when the second release candidate of the 6.8 version of the NWChem suite of computational chemistry codes is compiled on the identical environment.
found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
9:34:58 PM PST - Tue, Nov 14th 2017 |
The error is the same when the second release candidate of the 6.8 version of the NWChem suite of computational chemistry codes is compiled on the identical environment.
found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
Forum Vet
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Posts 1489
10:36:32 AM PST - Wed, Nov 15th 2017 |
We cannot address broken compiler installations.
One ugly hack to fix might be the following
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
make BLASOPT="-L/usr/lib" link
Quote:Xiongyan21 Nov 14th 8:34 pmThe error is the same when the second release candidate of the 6.8 version of the NWChem suite of computational chemistry codes is compiled on the identical environment.
found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
Edited On 10:47:12 AM PST - Wed, Nov 15th 2017 by Edoapra
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
9:46:26 PM PST - Tue, Nov 21st 2017 |
Dear Edoapra
Now the error becomes
"_ma_trace_", referenced from:
_memory_input_ in libnwctask.a(memory_input.o)
"_ma_verify_allocator_stuff_", referenced from:
_gsopt_project_hess_grad_ in liboptim.a(mepgs_drv.o)
_mepgs_proj_grad_ in liboptim.a(mepgs_drv.o)
_driver_project_hess_grad_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_driver_hss_reinit_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_driver_hss_init_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_grad_force_ in libgradients.a(grad_force.o)
_md_start_ in libnwmd.a(md_start.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
What I should further do to remedy this?
Thanks a lot !
Very Best Regards!
Forum Regular
Threads 43
Posts 209
9:47:40 PM PST - Tue, Nov 21st 2017 |
Dear Edoapra
Now the error becomes
"_ma_trace_", referenced from:
_memory_input_ in libnwctask.a(memory_input.o)
"_ma_verify_allocator_stuff_", referenced from:
_gsopt_project_hess_grad_ in liboptim.a(mepgs_drv.o)
_mepgs_proj_grad_ in liboptim.a(mepgs_drv.o)
_driver_project_hess_grad_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_driver_hss_reinit_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_driver_hss_init_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_grad_force_ in libgradients.a(grad_force.o)
_md_start_ in libnwmd.a(md_start.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
What I should further do to remedy this?
Thanks a lot !
Very Best Regards!
Quote:Edoapra Nov 15th 9:36 amSure
We cannot address broken compiler installations.
One ugly hack to fix might be the following
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
make BLASOPT="-L/usr/lib" link
Edited On 9:51:59 PM PST - Tue, Nov 21st 2017 by Xiongyan21
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