From NWChem
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8:33:53 PM PST - Mon, Jan 8th 2018 |
Isn't is delightful that the just released NWCHEM6.8 has been successfully built on macOS
High Sierra 10.13.2 with GCC 7.2.0, MPICH2 3.2.1 and Xcode 9.2 installed?
By the way, although NWCHEM6.6 has also been successfully built on the same environment,
it cannot run with the originally provided patch. Is it be also technically supported now?
Some problem, e.g., the Sc TDDFT calculation problem raised by me on this forum, has
different results when using the two versions.
Thanks a Lot!
Very Best Regards!
Edited On 8:56:44 AM PST - Tue, Jan 9th 2018 by Xiongyan21
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