64bit Integers

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I just wanted to check something. I have compiled NWChem and linked to a 64bit blas library (ilp64) as
the doc say NEChem uses "64-bit integers (i.e. integer*8)".

Does this mean that it is only using 64-bit integers from FORTRAN?

If its using 64-bit integers in any of the C code, are they defined as long ?

I have had a poke around and from what I can see if the script that converts to 32 bit, it seems to only modify FORTRAN code.

Edited On 4:13:04 AM PST - Tue, Feb 13th 2018 by Jasno

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yes to all your questions
In the C interface to fortran we use the type Integer that is defined as long in the types2f2c.h header file



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Quote:Edoapra Feb 13th 6:19 pm
yes to all your questions
In the C interface to fortran we use the type Integer that is defined as long in the types2f2c.h header file



Great, thanks for the confirmation.

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