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dft optimize failed
From NWChem
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7:12:30 AM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 |
Hi there,
I have got "dft optimize failed" after 200 steps running the following input with NWChem 6.1 and 6.0. Please can anybody advise what is wrong with the input as below. This case is running on Cray XE6.
start co
title "co"
print medium
C 0.02130486 -0.67185363 0.00000000
O -0.07773307 0.48364394 0.00000000
o library "DZVP (DFT Orbital)"
h library "DZVP (DFT Orbital)"
c library "DZVP (DFT Orbital)"
maxiter 200
xyz final
xc beckehandh
task dft optimize
Edited On 8:55:08 AM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 by Ysun
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7:40:14 AM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 |
Edited On 7:42:35 AM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 by Ysun
Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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8:10:25 AM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 |
Did you want to remove the whole post or are you still looking for feedback.
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8:28:43 AM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 |
Quote:Bert Jul 11th 8:10 amDid you want to remove the whole post or are you still looking for feedback.
No, I am still looking for feedback. My second post should be a new thread so I removed it from here.
Huub Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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2:21:36 PM PDT - Wed, Jul 11th 2012 |
Hi Yudong,
I have tried your input on my Redhat Linux box. I got the geometry optimization to converge in 5 steps to -112.58608241 Hartree without changing your input at all. I managed to get the same answer using both nwchem-6.0 and nwchem-6.1.1. So it seems that I cannot reproduce the problems you are seeing. Could you send me your output (hubertus dot vandam at pnnl dot gov), please? Maybe I can spot something.
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8:29:22 AM PDT - Tue, Jul 17th 2012 |
Quote:Huub Jul 11th 2:21 pmHi Yudong,
I have tried your input on my Redhat Linux box. I got the geometry optimization to converge in 5 steps to -112.58608241 Hartree without changing your input at all. I managed to get the same answer using both nwchem-6.0 and nwchem-6.1.1. So it seems that I cannot reproduce the problems you are seeing. Could you send me your output (hubertus dot vandam at pnnl dot gov), please? Maybe I can spot something.
Hi Huub,
I emailed the output file to you a few days ago. I think you may have received it.
Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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1:28:21 PM PDT - Tue, Jul 17th 2012 |
Huub is in Europe right now, he should get back to you early next week.
Quote:Ysun Jul 17th 3:29 pmQuote:Huub Jul 11th 2:21 pmHi Yudong,
I have tried your input on my Redhat Linux box. I got the geometry optimization to converge in 5 steps to -112.58608241 Hartree without changing your input at all. I managed to get the same answer using both nwchem-6.0 and nwchem-6.1.1. So it seems that I cannot reproduce the problems you are seeing. Could you send me your output (hubertus dot vandam at pnnl dot gov), please? Maybe I can spot something.
Hi Huub,
I emailed the output file to you a few days ago. I think you may have received it.
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6:58:20 AM PDT - Wed, Aug 1st 2012 |
Hi Huub,
Have you spotted anything wrong in my output?
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4:52:09 AM PDT - Mon, Aug 6th 2012 |
Hi NWChem guys,
Please can you help me check if the input in the first post can work on your Cray XE6. It is not converging on our Cray XE6 with the same build of NWChem 6.1 as in my another post of "half int file".
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
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11:59:38 AM PDT - Mon, Aug 6th 2012 |
Nothing wrong in the input file
I didn't have any convergence problem running your input file with NWChem 6.1 on the ORNL Cray XE6.
I would suggest you to try to complete your NWChem build (that I am trying to assist in the thread "half int file"),
and then try this input file again with that NWChem binary.
Cheers, Edo
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4:58:33 AM PDT - Fri, Aug 10th 2012 |
The dft optimize failed error still exists using the newly-compiled NWChem 6.1.1. The job is run on 32 cores. The last lines of the output are:
Final and change from initial internal coordinates
Z-matrix (autoz)
Units are Angstrom for bonds and degrees for angles
Type Name I J K L M Value Change
----------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
1 Stretch 1 2 1.15973 -0.00001
internuclear distances
center one | center two | atomic units | angstroms
2 O | 1 C | 2.19157 | 1.15973
number of included internuclear distances: 1
dft optimize failed 0
current input line :
28: task dft optimize
This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching
convergence criteria
For more information see the NWChem manual at
For further details see manual section:
0:0:dft optimize failed:: 0
Application 2581875 exit codes: 134
Application 2581875 resources: utime ~42s, stime ~32s
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
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10:53:38 AM PDT - Fri, Aug 10th 2012 |
Does it fail at small core counts too?
Does the jobs fail when you run the job with a single core, too?
Cheers, Edo
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3:30:10 AM PDT - Mon, Aug 13th 2012 |
It has got the same "dft optimize failed" error when running on a single core.
Edoapra Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, bureaucrat, sysop
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11:20:11 AM PDT - Tue, Aug 14th 2012 |
Please add "clear" to the driver section
Since Hessian that were left from previous runs might be causing your problem,
please add the clear keyword to the driver section, e.g.
maxiter 200
xyz final
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2:52:28 AM PDT - Fri, Aug 17th 2012 |
The clear keyword has done the job. The simulation works fine now with NWChem 6.1.1.
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