
From NWChem

Any kind of feedback: positive, negative, neutral, etc ... For example: I have tried ten times to download the tarball file for NWChem 6.5 and the download never completed in full
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Announcement's Replies Views Last Action
Bug in Raman code
Started By : Sean
0 1730 Feb 2nd 6:45 pm
NWChem 6.6: bug in geometry optimization
Started By : Edoapra
0 1797 Jan 28th 2:50 pm
Sticky: NWChem 6.6 available for download
Started By : Edoapra
0 5248 Oct 20th 4:12 pm

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Thread Title Replies Views Last Action
why free quantum codes are so hard to settup?
Started By : Pat
2 1997 Dec 8th 11:17 am
Support address bounceback
Started By : Mpacey
11 2654 Oct 29th 7:13 am
Thank you for excellent free software!
Started By : Mernst
0 1655 Oct 7th 2:25 pm

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