From NWChem
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4:31:20 AM PST - Thu, Dec 20th 2018 |
Extracting the excited state density from a RT-TDDFT calculation for a single electron excitation is problematic for a few reasons (e.g. If you want to compare RT-TDDFT and LR-TDDFT results, your best bet is to calculate the transition density directly, which can be done via a Fourier transform of the density fluctuations in a RT-TDDFT calculation (see Eq. 20).
It can be a bit cumbersome to do and can potentially require a lot of disk space for all of the density matrices that need to be generated, but it will produce the same results as LR-TDDFT, dependent on the quality of the Fourier transform. We used the same analysis in our paper on excited state absorption from RT-TDDFT, where it worked beautifully (e.g. Fig. 8, the agreement between LR and RT is not exact in this case for the reasons discussed in the paper).
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