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Huub Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
Forum Regular
Threads 1
Posts 185
9:40:27 AM PDT - Thu, Oct 24th 2013 |
Hi Ryan,
It looks like your dependencies are messed up. The mafdecls.fh file is part of the Global Arrays and should live in nwchem-6.3/src/tools/install/include. For some reason the script that works out the dependencies has considered this file to be part of NWChem rather than GA. Maybe the best thing to do is to run
cd nwchem-6.3/src
find . -name dependencies -exec rm {} \; -print
The make will then create the dependencies from scratch and hopefully that will work things out.
Best wishes, Huub
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