Nwchem 6.3 checking whether a simple Fortran MPI program compiles... no

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Quote:Edoapra Jul 29th 12:11 pm
Could you please post the output of the following commands:
1) which mpif90
2) mpif90 -show
3) mpif90 -V

I having the same problem installing NWCHEM 6.3
But when Itried your commands I got following:
[abhisek@localhost src]$ which mpif90
[abhisek@localhost src]$ mpif90 -show
No underlying compiler was specified in the wrapper compiler data file
(e.g., mpicc-wrapper-data.txt)
[abhisek@localhost src]$ mpif90 -v
No underlying compiler was specified in the wrapper compiler data file
(e.g., mpicc-wrapper-data.txt)
[abhisek@localhost src]$

Please help me out.
thank you.
Edited On 1:50:19 AM PDT - Sat, Sep 13th 2014 by Neo

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