Help with large CCSD(T) Calculation

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Quote:Edoapra Aug 23rd 9:22 pm
The input you are using can be run with the TCE module if you increase the number of processors.
If you want to stick to 16 processors, you might want to switch to the older "CCSD" module that
has small memory requirements.
I have been trying to reproduce the behavior of the input you are using and
I have come up with the two input files below.
Please keep in mind that because of the different memory requirements
for CCSD and the (T) part, you will have to use two different input files
start ccsd
title "CCSD input"
memory stack 800 mb heap 100 mb global 750 mb
        C   2.12544   0.00000   0.00000
        O   1.82852  -0.93172  -0.62769
        O   2.42235   0.93172   0.62769
        C  -2.12544   0.00000   0.00000
        O  -1.20623  -0.32695  -0.63119
        O  -3.04465   0.32695   0.63119
* library aug-cc-pvqz
 thresh 1d-8
 diisbas 2
 freeze atomic
 tol2e 1d-14
task ccsd

restart ccsd
title "CCSD(T) input"
memory stack 400 mb heap 100 mb global 950 mb
task ccsd(t)

Hello Edoapra,
I just need to understand something..
From this code of yours how can you be able to get the interaction energy term between CO2--CO2.
I mean which portion of this code is defining that..??

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