undocumented: DFT virtual spectrum vspec

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I recently made some updates and improvements to the nw_spectrum.py script included with NWChem, as documented in this thread. One of its capabilities is supposed to be plotting DFT vspec virtual spectrum output. I can't find any documentation about vspec, or any input files demonstrating its use. I do do see source code apparently implementing the functionality. I presume that somebody at some time -- perhaps Kenneth Lopata, author of nw_spectrum.py -- has used this feature, hence a parser for it in nw_spectrum.py.

Is this feature undocumented and untested because it's unfinished? I would try to come up with a vspec demonstration input file for use with nw_spectrum.py by working backward from the source code, but I don't want to put in the effort if the feature is not actually working.

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