problem about the setting temperature in car parrinello iteration

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Dear everyone,

I run a job,which is about the cpmd calculation of production.

The important parameters in my input file are as following:

xc pbe96
cutoff 10.0
mult 3
ewald_rcut 3.0
ewald_ncut 9
task pspw energy

  cutoff 30.0
task pspw energy

nose-hoover 1200.0 300.0 1200 300.0
time_step 5.0
fake_mass 600.0
loop 10 1000
emotion_filename production_water_V3+_cpmd.emotion
ion_motion_filename production_water_V3+_cpmd.ion_motion
fei production_water_V3+_cpmd.fei
task pspw car-parrinello
task pspw car-parrinello

Then, I got the information about car parrinello iteration in the output file like the following:


         ============ Car-Parrinello iteration ==============
    >>>  ITERATION STARTED AT Fri Feb 12 06:40:12 2016  <<<
iter. KE+Energy Energy KE_psi KE_ion Temperature
10 -0.1277322502E+04 -0.1277447528E+04 0.18158E-01 0.10958E+00 81.02
20 -0.1277322503E+04 -0.1277554053E+04 0.29021E-01 0.21891E+00 118.22
30 -0.1277322544E+04 -0.1277631489E+04 0.40970E-01 0.31432E+00 164.97
40 -0.1277322556E+04 -0.1277598293E+04 0.39422E-01 0.32116E+00 200.70
50 -0.1277322447E+04 -0.1277478838E+04 0.29784E-01 0.24663E+00 214.19
60 -0.1277322261E+04 -0.1277415459E+04 0.28962E-01 0.21639E+00 213.49
70 -0.1277322134E+04 -0.1277494282E+04 0.46819E-01 0.32335E+00 218.91
80 -0.1277322121E+04 -0.1277607210E+04 0.71790E-01 0.48570E+00 240.71
90 -0.1277322074E+04 -0.1277593054E+04 0.80495E-01 0.54420E+00 269.85
100 -0.1277321847E+04 -0.1277435447E+04 0.73246E-01 0.45276E+00 290.61
110 -0.1277321502E+04 -0.1277253834E+04 0.64824E-01 0.32032E+00 296.79
120 -0.1277321058E+04 -0.1277179105E+04 0.69668E-01 0.28092E+00 294.86
130 -0.1277320491E+04 -0.1277261167E+04 0.96404E-01 0.39026E+00 296.29
140 -0.1277319798E+04 -0.1277436949E+04 0.13993E+00 0.59455E+00 309.07
150 -0.1277318809E+04 -0.1277552235E+04 0.18234E+00 0.72821E+00 331.64
160 -0.1277317232E+04 -0.1277477221E+04 0.20874E+00 0.64842E+00 352.60
170 -0.1277315143E+04 -0.1277274770E+04 0.22656E+00 0.44459E+00 361.94
180 -0.1277312661E+04 -0.1277150082E+04 0.27070E+00 0.33090E+00 361.35
190 -0.1277309751E+04 -0.1277168258E+04 0.34924E+00 0.35750E+00 359.25
200 -0.1277306396E+04 -0.1277199810E+04 0.42515E+00 0.39858E+00 359.66
210 -0.1277302916E+04 -0.1277141855E+04 0.49128E+00 0.33973E+00 359.55
220 -0.1277300403E+04 -0.1277021078E+04 0.53517E+00 0.21857E+00 355.09
230 -0.1277299513E+04 -0.1276937503E+04 0.54532E+00 0.12659E+00 346.44
240 -0.1277300396E+04 -0.1276958112E+04 0.52434E+00 0.10425E+00 336.37
250 -0.1277302740E+04 -0.1277078196E+04 0.47564E+00 0.13969E+00 327.54
260 -0.1277305900E+04 -0.1277234442E+04 0.40665E+00 0.18546E+00 321.06
270 -0.1277309203E+04 -0.1277360276E+04 0.33133E+00 0.19653E+00 316.08
280 -0.1277312256E+04 -0.1277425900E+04 0.25735E+00 0.16555E+00 311.01
290 -0.1277314765E+04 -0.1277453789E+04 0.19338E+00 0.12276E+00 304.94
300 -0.1277316741E+04 -0.1277493765E+04 0.14826E+00 0.10848E+00 298.34

However, I want the make the Car-Parrinello iteration start from Temperature=300K, and keeps the T=300K. you can see the temperature starts from 81.02K, which is not what I want. I tried to revise some parameters in input file, but I failed until now. I really don't know how to do.

Hope to get your help. Thank you.


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You are most likely starting from initial velocities that have been randomly chosen from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at 300 K. In that case there is nothing unusual about your initial temperature being 80 K. Common practice is to discard the first part of the trajectory as an equilibration period and only perform the analysis on the rest of the trajectory.

Just Got Here
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Dear Zhenjiang:
    Can you tell me you email address? I want to ask you some question about the CPMD.
Thank you,

Just Got Here
Threads 1
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Dear Zhenjiang:
    Can you tell me you email address? I want to ask you some question about the CPMD.
Thank you,

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