From NWChem
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11:56:39 AM PST - Tue, Feb 21st 2012 |
Is there a way to perform IRC calculations for ground state, as well as for the TDDFT excited states?
Niri Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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11:27:30 AM PST - Wed, Feb 29th 2012 |
Hi Jonas, This cannot be done for TDDFT. For the ground state we have the saddle module.
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10:55:30 PM PDT - Thu, Apr 19th 2012 |
Quote:Niri Feb 29th 7:27 pmHi Jonas, This cannot be done for TDDFT. For the ground state we have the saddle module.
I am also wondering about IRC calculations. What is the input for mapping the minimum energy path from the TS and towards reactant(s) and product(s)? Can this be done in NWChem?
Thank you.
Bert Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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10:42:30 AM PDT - Wed, Apr 25th 2012 |
We have an undocumented (being tested) IRC module where you can map out the points. An example is in QA/tests/mep-test .
Quote:Stigrs Apr 20th 6:55 amQuote:Niri Feb 29th 7:27 pmHi Jonas, This cannot be done for TDDFT. For the ground state we have the saddle module.
I am also wondering about IRC calculations. What is the input for mapping the minimum energy path from the TS and towards reactant(s) and product(s)? Can this be done in NWChem?
Thank you.
Edited On 4:01:41 PM PDT - Wed, Apr 25th 2012 by Bert
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2:07:05 PM PDT - Thu, Oct 3rd 2013 |
Dear all, does IRC/MEP functionality now work sicne I can;t find a description in the documentation
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