From NWChem
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Just Got Here
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12:20:54 AM PDT - Wed, May 9th 2012 |
Dear Sir,
From "Lopata KA, and N Govind. 2011. "Modeling fast electron dynamics with real-time time-dependent density functional theory: application to small molecules and chromophores." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 7(5):1344-1355. doi:10.1021/ct2001", we know that NWCHEM could do real-time TDDFT calculations. However, current version 6.1 could not realize it, to the best of my knowlege. So, is there any plan to implement real-time TDDFT in a future public available version?
Niri Forum:Admin, Forum:Mod, NWChemDeveloper, bureaucrat, sysop
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5:11:32 PM PDT - Wed, May 9th 2012 |
This is still in development and will be made available in a future release. Stay tuned!
Best regards,
Just Got Here
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6:43:16 PM PDT - Wed, May 9th 2012 |
Quote:Niri May 9th 5:11 pmHi,
This is still in development and will be made available in a future release. Stay tuned!
Best regards,
Dear Dr Niri, thanks very much for your immediate response.
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