From NWChem
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9:13:04 AM PST - Thu, Nov 25th 2010 |
Hello, everyone
When I do nwchem job and click the launch button, some err happen as below:
Verifying remote login...
Validating local directory...
Validating job...
Generating job submission script...
ERROR: Could not find command gensub -v -p subParams
Submit script generation failed: gensub: Command not found.
My machine is single, so it has no "gensub" command. How do I modify the parameter of ECCE to let the ECCE run program directly?
Who can help me?
Edited On 9:16:05 AM PST - Thu, Nov 25th 2010 by Javacfish
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7:22:58 AM PST - Sun, Nov 28th 2010 |
The problem is solved.
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