Geometry examples
From NWChem
Examples of geometries using symmetry
Below are examples of the use of the SYMMETRY directive in the compound GEOMETRY directive (Section 6). The z axis is always the primary rotation axis. When in doubt about which axes and planes are used for the group elements, the keyword print may be added to the SYMMETRY directive to obtain this information.
Cs methanol
The σh plane is the xy plane.
geometry units angstroms C 0.11931097 -0.66334875 0.00000000 H 1.20599017 -0.87824237 0.00000000 H -0.32267592 -1.15740001 0.89812652 O -0.01716588 0.78143468 0.00000000 H -1.04379735 0.88169812 0.00000000 symmetry cs end
C2v water
The z axis is the C2 axis and the σv may be either the xz or the yz planes.
geometry units au O 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 1.43042809 -1.10715266 symmetry group c2v end
D2h acetylene
Although acetylene has symmetry the subgroup D2h includes all operations that interchange equivalent atoms which is what determines how much speedup you gain from using symmetry in building a Fock matrix.
The C2 axes are the x, y, and z axes. The σ planes are the xy, xz and yz planes. Generally, the unique atoms are placed to use the z as the primary rotational axis and use the xz or yz planes as the σ plane.
geometry units au symmetry group d2h C 0.000000000 0.000000000 -1.115108538 H 0.000000000 0.000000000 -3.106737425 end
D2h ethylene
The C2 axes are the x, y, and z axes. The σ planes are the xy, xz and yz planes. Generally, the unique atoms are placed to use the z as the primary rotational axis and use the xz or yz planes as the σ plane.
geometry units angstroms C 0 0 0.659250 H 0 0.916366 1.224352 symmetry d2h end
Td methane
For ease of use, the primary C3 axis should be the x=y=z axis. The 3 C2 axes are the x, y, and z.
geometry units au c 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 h 1.1828637 1.1828637 1.1828637 symmetry group Td end
Ih buckminsterfullerene
One of the C5 axes is the z axis and the point of inversion is the origin.
geometry units angstroms # Bonds = 1.4445, 1.3945 symmetry group Ih c -1.2287651 0.0 3.3143121 end
S4 porphyrin
The S4 and C2 rotation axis is the z axis. The reflection plane for the S4 operation is the xy plane.
geometry units angstroms symmetry group s4 fe 0.000 0.000 0.000 h 2.242 6.496 -3.320 h 1.542 4.304 -2.811 c 1.947 6.284 -2.433 c 1.568 4.987 -2.084 h 2.252 8.213 -1.695 c 1.993 7.278 -1.458 h 5.474 -1.041 -1.143 c 1.234 4.676 -0.765 h 7.738 -1.714 -0.606 c 0.857 3.276 -0.417 h 1.380 -4.889 -0.413 c 1.875 2.341 -0.234 h 3.629 3.659 -0.234 c 0.493 -2.964 -0.229 c 1.551 -3.933 -0.221 c 5.678 -1.273 -0.198 c 1.656 6.974 -0.144 c 3.261 2.696 -0.100 n 1.702 0.990 -0.035 end
D3h iron penta-carbonyl
The C3 axis is the z axis. The σh plane is the xy plane. One of the perpendicular C2 axes is the x=y axis. One of the σv planes is the plane containing the x=y axis and the z axis. (The other axes and planes are generated by the C3 operation.)
geometry units au symmetry group d3h fe 0.0 0.0 0.0 c 0.0 0.0 3.414358 o 0.0 0.0 5.591323 c 2.4417087 2.4417087 0.0 o 3.9810552 3.9810552 0.0 end
D3d sodium crown ether
The C3 axis is the z axis. The point of inversion is the origin. One of the perpendicular C2 axes is the x=y axis. One of the σd planes is the plane containing the -x=y axis and the z axis.
Note that the oxygen atom is rotated in the x-y plane 15 degrees away from the y-axis so that it lies in a mirror plane. There is a total of six atoms generated from the unique oxygen, in contrast to twelve from each of the carbon and hydrogen atoms.
geometry units au symmetry D3d NA .0000000000 .0000000000 .0000000000 O 1.3384771885 4.9952647969 .1544089284 H 6.7342048019 -0.6723850379 2.6581562148 C 6.7599180056 -0.4844977035 .6136583870 H 8.6497577017 0.0709194071 .0345361934 end
C3v ammonia
The C3 axis is the z axis. One of the σv planes is the plane containing the x=y axis and the z axis.
geometry units angstroms N 0 0 -0.055 H 0.665 0.665 -0.481 symmetry c3v end
D6h benzene
The C6 axis is the z axis. The point of inversion is the origin. One of the 6 perpendicular C2' axes is the x=y axis. (-x=y works as a C2'' axis.) The σh plane is the xy plane. The σd planes contain the C2'' axis and the z axis. The σv planes contain the C2' axis and the z axis.
geometry units au C 1.855 1.855 0 H 3.289 3.289 0 symmetry D6h end
C3h BO3H3
The C3 axis is the z axis. The σh plane is the xy plane.
geometry units au b 0 0 0 o 2.27238285 1.19464491 0.00000000 h 2.10895420 2.97347707 0.00000000 symmetry C3h end
D5d ferrocene
The C5 axis is the z axis. The center of inversion is the origin. One of the perpendicular C2 axes is the x axis. One of the σd planes is the yz plane.
geometry units angstroms symmetry d5d fe 0 0 0 c 0 1.194 1.789 h 0 2.256 1.789 end
C4v SF5Cl
The C4 axis is the z axis. The σv planes are the yz and the xz planes. The σd planes are: 1) the plane containing the x=y axis and the z axis and 2) the plane containing the -x=y axis and the z axis.
geometry units au S 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.14917600 Cl 0.00000000 0.00000000 4.03279700 F 3.13694200 0.00000000 -0.15321800 F 0.00000000 0.00000000 -3.27074500 symmetry C4v end
C2h trans-dichloroethylene
The C2 axis is the z axis. The origin is the inversion center. The σh plane is the xy plane.
geometry units angstroms C 0.65051239 -0.08305064 0 Cl 1.75249381 1.30491767 0 H 1.14820954 -1.04789741 0 symmetry C2h end
The C2 axis is the z axis (z is also the S4 axis). The x and y axes are the perpendicular C2's. The σd planes are: 1) the plane containing the x=y axis and the z axis and 2) the plane containing the -x=y axis and the z axis.
geometry units angstroms symmetry d2d c 0 0 0 c 0 0 1.300 h 0.656 0.656 1.857 end
D5h cyclopentadiene anion
The C5 axis is the z axis (z is also the S5 axis). The y axis is one of the perpendicular C2 axes. The σh plane is the xy plane and one of the σd planes is the yz plane.
charge -1 geometry units angstroms symmetry d5h c 0 1.1853 0 h 0 2.2654 0 end
D4h gold tetrachloride
The C4 axis is the z axis (z is also the S4 axis). The C2' axes are the x and y axes and the C2'' axes are the x=y axis and the x=-y axis. The inversion center is the origin. The σh plane is the xy plane. The σv planes are the xz and yz planes and the σd planes are 1) the plane containing the x=-y axis and the z axis and 2) the plane containing the x=y axis and the z axis.
geometry units au Au 0 0 0 Cl 0 4.033 0 symmetry D4h end