Release66:Qmmm sp property
From NWChem
Template:Release66:QMMM Single Point Calculations A number of electronic structure properties can be calculated with QM/MM using capabilities provided by property, esp, and dplot modules.
The example below illustrates dipole property QM/MM DFT/B3LYP calculation for quantum water molecule embedded into 20 angstrom box of classical SPCE/E water molecules.
The preparation stage that involves definition of the QM region and solvation is performed as part of the calculation. Note that water fragment file wtr.frg is required in this calculation. Prepare run will generate restart file (wtr_ref.rst) and topology file (
In the QM/MM interface block the use of bq_zone value of 3.0 Angstrom is specified.
start wtr
permanent_dir ./perm scratch_dir ./data
prepare source wtr0.pdb new_top new_seq new_rst modify segment 1 quantum center orient solvate box 3.0 update lists ignore write wtr_ref.rst write wtr_ref.pdb end
task prepare
md system wtr_ref end
basis * library "6-31G" end
dft xc b3lyp end
qmmm bq_zone 3.0 end
property dipole end
task qmmm dft property
Example QM/MM ESP Calculation:
- Example QM/MM ESP Calculation
The example below illustrates QM/MM calculation of ElectroStatic Potential (ESP) charges at DFT/B3LYP level of theory for quantum water molecule embedded into 20 angstrom box of classical SPCE/E water molecules.
The preparation stage that involves definition of the QM region and solvation is performed as part of the calculation. Note that water fragment file wtr.frg is required in this calculation. Prepare run will generate restart file (wtr_ref.rst) and topology file (
In the QM/MM interface block the use of bq_zone value of 3.0 Angstrom is specified.
Important: ESP module relies on the availability of movecs (wavefunction) file. In this example, movecs file was generated by performing energy calculation.
start wtr permanent_dir ./perm scratch_dir ./data prepare source wtr0.pdb new_top new_seq new_rst modify segment 1 quantum center orient solvate box 3.0 update lists ignore write wtr_ref.rst write wtr_ref.pdb end task prepare md system wtr_ref end basis * library "6-31G" end dft xc b3lyp end qmmm bq_zone 3.0 end task qmmm dft energy task qmmm esp